Dosing diary 7/13/19 Evening edition

Good evening! Tonight’s last dose is..

2 teaspoons of Red Thai and 3 teaspoons of Red Borneo kratom.

I’m glad we finally have more Red Borneo in stock here at home. It’s so good for pain relief and I’ve been trying to take it easy on the ibuprofen. I just took it a short time ago and I’m already feeling relaxed and ready for sleep.

My goal for tomorrow is to get up early and try to get at least one bush pruned. I missed out this morning because I was up late (’til around 3 am) with reflux…. so much fun…. that I slept in and didn’t get up until well after 9 am. I’m hoping to get outside before 9 am, when it’s still cool out. So…

God night and thank you for reading!

Dosing diary 7/13/19 Afternoon edition

Good afternoon! Today’s 2nd dose is….

2 teaspoons of Green Bali kratom!!!

Yep, only 2 teaspoons. That’s the least amount I’ve taken in a while. I don’t think it was enough but I wanted to try the Green Bali by itself so I could gauge how well it works for me to see if that might be a good strain to add to our arsenal. The jury is still out. The only thing is that I did get a bit emotional earlier when I was making dinner. I don’t really feel that that’s good or bad. But I did manage to steer away from those depressing thoughts to other things so that’s something positive.

Stay tuned….

Food diary 7/13/19 Lunch!And Dinner! A 2 fer!

Good afternoon! Today, I actually had lunch!! What a surprise!

Lunch was a swiss cheese sandwich with chips and hummus on the side.

I might as well do my dinner post since I just finished cooking it…

Dinner will be baked chicken with mashed potatoes and sauted summer squash and zucchini and onions. I’ll probably have a couple of fruit-in-a-cup things for dessert later. I’m trying to not fall victim to ice cream as I suspect it’s at the very least increasing the chances of me having reflux (as I did last night) so I’m going to try to stick to fruit or nothing at all for dessert.

Food diary 7/13/19 Breakfast!

Good morning! Today, for breakfast, I had…

2 pieces of whole grain toast with peanut butter, a banana, iced green tea, assorted vitamins and pain killers on the side.

it’s going to be another hot one today so I’m not sure where we’ll be going regarding food for today. I got more gnocchi when Joe and I went shopping so maybe I could bake some chicken…. I have lots of chicken or maybe mashed potatoes. Actually, chicken and mashed potatoes sounds good to me.

Joe’s Mom wasn’t feeling well yesterday so she might opt for oats, which isn’t a problem…. I can do that.

Stay tuned…

Dosing diary 7/13/19 Morning edition

Good morning! Today’s 1st dose is….

2 teaspoons of White Vietnam and 2 teaspoons of Green Malay kratom.

I ended up sleeping in this morning, even though that’s not what I had planned to do. My plan had been to get to bed early and get up around 7 am so I’d be outside, pruning by 9 am. Well, I had a reflux attack last night, bad enough that I didn’t get to sleep until after 2 am so I’m going to put off pruning until either this evening or tomorrow morning. The high today is supposed to be around 90 and there’s no way that I’ll be able to work outside in that heat… I’ll have a stroke or a heart attack or something. The temp right now is 84 but the heat index is already 98 degrees so,,, yeah, not happening right now.

So, today, I’ll enjoy the AC, make something good for dinner and wait for it to cool down a bit.

Stay tuned…